Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stocks Up, Foreclosures Down: Is Real Estate Going To Bounce Back

Stocks Up, Foreclosures Down: Is Real Estate Going To Bounce Back

By Donald Griffith on July 16, 2010, 8:05 am

Perhaps the article title should be changed: Foreclosures Up, and stocks and real estate down. Hold on, folks. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves with all this acrimonious propaganda. Unless Realty Trac foreclosure service has prescient inside information or a crystal ball, let’s leave this paragraph as is and answer this question: How is real estate going to bounce back?

Will The 2010 Election Help Real Estate

Some national pundits have determined that real estate will bounce back especially in some of the top 10 states who are suffering the most. Nevada, who tops the foreclosure list with one in 17 households getting the boot, is a prime example of a possible monolithic real estate bounce. The remaining nine troubled states: Arizona, Florida, California, Utah, Georgia, Michigan, Idaho, Illinois and Colorado could also leave the bottom of the barrel into the sunshine if changes are made in the 2010 election.

What Will Help The So-Called Real Estate Bounce

Visionary investors who in a prior real estate life opted to eschew investments because of the sour economy, job losses and every other red flag some naysayer wanted to raise on the pole of despair, are now giving residential and commercial investments a closer look. Especially in one or more of the top 10 troubled states. First time homebuyers are also starting to take the lock off that piggybank and look for affordable housing too. Very cheap housing will be the hand that bounces the comeback real estate ball.

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