Thursday, March 14, 2013

Home prices finally returning to normal

Home prices finally returning to normal

@CNNMoney March 5, 2013: 9:25 AM ET

After years of wild swings, the U.S. housing market is slowly returning to normal.

The latest forecast from Fiserv (FISV) Case-Shiller predicts home prices will increase by an average of 3.3% annually over the five years ending September, 2017.
Home prices: Biggest winners and losers
These cities will see the biggest swings in home prices through the 12 months ending September 30, according to Fiserv's estimates.
CityForecast change
Medford, Ore.9.7%
Santa Fe8.1%
Billings, Mont.5.5%
Syracuse, N.Y.5%
Yuma, Ariz.4.8%
Orlando, Fla.-8.3
Merced, Calif.-8.5%
Riverside, Calif.-8.6%
Warren, Mich.-9%
Source: Fiserv
"2012 was the first year since 1997 that the housing market has resembled something [close to] normal," said David Stiff, Fiserv's chief economist. "For the past 15 years, home price changes and sales volumes have either been boosted by a bubble mentality or crushed by crash psychology."
From 1998 until the housing bubble peaked in 2006,home prices grew by 5% or more a year. But once the bubble burst, home prices plunged, falling 30.5% through the end of September 2012.

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