Thursday, December 17, 2009

Brookings studies recession's impact on Rockies

Business News - Local News

Brookings studies recession's impact on Rockies

Denver Business Journal - by Renee McGaw

The cities of the mountain West have felt the recession as deeply as any in the nation, although the pain has not been spread evenly, according to a report Tuesday.

Denver emerged as one of the strongest cities in the six-state region on a number of measures, according to the report by Brookings Mountain West, a partnership between the Brookings Institution and the University of Nevada.

“Phoenix, Boise, and Las Vegas... remained three of the most troubled metropolitan areas in the entire nation in the third quarter, with all residing in the weakest quintile of metros on a combined measure of overall economic performance,” researchers wrote. “Still, metros like Colorado Springs, Albuquerque, and Denver have only been moderately affected by the recession and seem poised to renew their upward trajectory as the pace of recovery quickens.”

Denver’s unemployment rate averaged 7.1 percent in the third quarter, below the 100-city average of 9.6 percent. It ranked 14th of the 100 cities in terms of unemployment rate — with 1 signifying the strongest-performing metro and 100 the weakest-performing — and ninth in terms of change in the unemployment rate over the 12 months ending in September.

The city also fared well on housing prices: over the 12 months through September, Denver house prices were up 1.6 percent, compared with an average drop of 3 percent.

But foreclosures remained a problem, with the city ranking 76th out of 100 in terms of real-estate-owned properties per 1,000 mortgageable properties.

Denver ranked 70th for gross metropolitan product, and 57th for employment growth.

Click here for the full report.

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